
Collection of developer hacks and tricks by @ololobus

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*nix zone

Command line tools

Generate random passwords from command line

openssl rand -base64 10
openssl rand -hex 10

Remove <CR> characters from file (Mac OS X tested)

sed -i.bak $'s/\r//' file`

tmux usage

list – tmux ls

resume – tmux a

detach – Ctrl + b, press d

Copy all stdout and stderr to file

python3 2>&1 | tee -a results.log

Disk usage

Usage by directory

du -h -d 1 /

Overall stats

df -h

Find files and run some command per file

find postgres_data/base/ -regex '.*[0-9]+' -exec pg_filedump "{}" \; | grep Error | sort | uniq
find postgres_data/base/ -regex '.*[0-9]+' -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 pg_filedump | grep Error | sort | uniq

Find large files and directories

du -hs * | sort -rh | head -5
sudo find / -size +500000 -print
sudo find / -size +500000 -exec sudo ls -lah "{}" \;
sudo du -k /* | awk '$1 > 500000' | sort -nr

Create tmpfs partition

sudo mkdir /mnt/tmpfs
sudo chmod -R 777 /mnt/tmpfs
sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=512m ext4 /mnt/tmpfs
sudo umount /mnt/tmpfs

Create virtual disk with limited storage

  1. Create a file of the size you want (here 10MB)

    dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/username/test bs=1024 count=10000

  2. Make a loopback device out of this file

    losetup -f /home/username/test

  3. Format that device in the file system you want

    mkfs.ext4 /dev/loopXX

  4. Mount it wherever you want (/mnt/test should exist)

    mount /dev/loopXX /mnt/test

Don’t forget to unmount and clean up loop device after use, with sudo losetup -d /dev/loopXX.

System stress/load tests

sudo apt install sysbench
sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 --num-threads=4 run

Run command and update its output every N_SECONDS

watch -n N_SECONDS <your command>

Manually generate a locale

localedef -i en_US -f UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8

Show number of threads per process

It also counts main process twice, so do -1 to the result.

ps -M 81581 | wc -l



sudo openvpn --config '/path/to/openvpn/config.ovpn'

To use with login/password create pass.txt with:


and add auth-user-pass /path/to/pass.txt to config.ovpn.


Filter packets by data size and value

data.len > 1 or (data.len == 1 and data in {Q K Z I P X B E C S D H c d f F n 2})

Change default TTL value of IP network packages

Maybe helpful to hack mobile hotspot limitations on some cellular data plans.

WiFi info

nmcli dev wifi
sudo apt install wavemon


GNOME tweaks

sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool